
In order to achieve our goal we will tirelessly dedicate our energies to consistently evolving new technologies, quickly adapting to new trends in the industry, and developing new and creative methods to bring occidiofungin to the market.


There is a need to identify new antifungals for the treatment of serious fungal infections. Given an increasing population of immunocompromised individuals, in particular those undergoing treatment for cancer, fungal infections lead to debilitative illnesses and these patients have a high mortality rate.

Keys to Success

Scientists associated with Sano Chemical have the experience and wherewithal that will promote the successful development of occidiofungin.

Our Mission

To achieve an aura of excellence through an unwavering focus on innovation. Innovation does not occur with a single act, nor will it occur with the successful realization of a new idea. In order to achieve our mission we will tirelessly dedicate our energies to consistently evolving new technologies, quickly adapting to new trends in the industry, and developing new and creative methods to bring occidiofungin to the market.

June 31 2011

Ned ut perspiciatis unde omnis

Natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.

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June 29 2011

At veroeos et accusamus etiusto

Architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo emo enim ipsam.

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June 17 2011

Temporibus quibusdam

Magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

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